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The meaning of the crystals of different colors

The meaning of the crystals of different colors:


Obsidian, red agate, garnet — representing survival, security, Kundalini energy

Red ghost, red rabbit hair crystal, coral –representative function, animal instinct, facial features control

Citrine, tiger eye, amber –representing emotions, desires, health, etc.

Pink crystal, pink tourmaline, Dongling jade, Turkish stone, green garnet, green crystal, turquoise — representing conscience, fraternity, imagination and vitality

Lapis lazuli, blue crystal, blue turquoise, sea blue treasure — representing creativity and surrender

Fluorite, lapis lazuli, and chalcedony — representing intuition, heavenly eyes, inspiration, calming, healing

Amethyst, white crystal, soothing stone, white ghost — representing piety, desire, cosmic consciousness

Crystal represents the angel and power

Moonstone — represents the moon cycle, enthusiasm, sensitivity, treatment is beneficial to the female physiological cycle, corresponding to the archangel Haniel

Malachite — represents health, healing physical illness (non-medical means, not equivalent), corresponding to the archangel Rapheal

Transparent crystal — to resolve the blockage of spirituality and energy, corresponding to the archangel Raziel

Amber — Resolve resentment, emotional healing, corresponding to the archangel Uriel

Lapis Lazuli — mental function, principle others, corresponding to the archangel Zadkiel

Turquoise — the potential of life, corresponding to the archangel Sandalphon

Water crystal and sea water sapphire — representing the relationship between the private and the business, corresponding to the archangel Raguel

Shu Shilai Stone — can resolve fear and tension, and purify energy, corresponding to Archangel Michael

Watermelon Tourmaline — dealing with learning disabilities, childhood problems, purification and adjustment of the chakra center, corresponding to the Archangel Metatron

Pink tourmaline — the phenomenon of negative energy and chaos, representing the archangel Jophie

Amethyst — Treats emotions and evokes enthusiasm, representing the archangel Jeremiel

Citrine — creativity, nourishment of leadership, healing anxiety, representing the archangel Gabriel

Green fluorite — treating anxiety and bringing calm, the loved one, representing the archangel Chamuel

Milky yellow calcite — resolve sadness, comfort, greetings from heaven, representing the archangel Azrael

Pink crystal — rich, courageous, open wings, healing elves, representing the archangel Ariel

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